Sunday, December 29, 2019

Easy Science Fair Projects

Science fair projects dont have to be complicated. The trick to creating a  simple science fair project is choosing  a project idea that uses easy-to-find materials and requires little time. The  science projects  listed below fit the bill. You can create most without any supplies or with common items you have in your house, garage, or classroom. The projects are sectioned by topic: Each one is topped by one or two questions and fully explained in two to four sentences.   The Body and Senses The human body is a great platform for creating easy science projects. The ability to breath, taste, smell and hear all are great starting points as the ideas in this section demonstrate. Does age make a difference in lung capacity? Does gender? Does smoking versus nonsmoking? Have different people blow up a balloon as much as they can, measure the balloon to calculate the volume of air, and analyze the data.Which sense is better at helping you identify food, taste or smell?  Cube produce with a similar texture (or mash it), blindfold your test subject  and ask him to identify the food based on how it smells. Switch the order of the foods and have your subject guess what each is according to how it tastes. Try this with different types of meat, too.Does listening to music while taking a test affect performance? Does the type of music make a difference?  Set this up by having your subject take tests of comparable difficulty with and without music or with different types of music playing. Water and Other Liquids Fizzy soft drinks make great props for simple science projects, as do milk, juice, oil, and even plain old water.   Which carbonated soft drink stays fizzy the longest? Set your sodas on the counter and see how long they produce bubbles.Which uses more water, a bath or a shower? Stop the drain, take a bath, and then take a shower. You can mark the tub if you want a simple more-less comparison or break out the measuring cup if you want to know exactly how much water you used.Which liquids prevent seed germinations? Try sprouting seeds (uncooked beans from the grocery store will work) in various liquids, such as tap water, milk, cola, juice, or oil. The Weather and Heat The weather is always a sure bet for an easy science project, as is the concept of heat. All you need to perform the projects in this section are a thermometer, a barometer, and a common material. Can you forecast the weather yourself? Dont listen to the weather report (but do recruit someone else to record the forecasts). Use simple instruments such as a thermometer and barometer and look at the sky to predict the weather. Compare your predictions with those made by the weather service.Which color of material heats the quickest and cools the quickest? Get different colors of the same type of material and a thermometer. Which heats more quickly on a sunny day? Which cools more quickly? Or are they the same?

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Department Of Education Is Clear That No Form Of Bullying

The Department of Education is clear that no form of bullying should be tolerated. The current anti-bullying guidance for schools is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ ÃŒÆ'Safe to Learn: embedding anti-bullying work in schoolsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬TM We strongly abide by the anti-bullying policy. Everyone has the right to feel welcome, secure and happy. Bullying of any sort stops members of the setting from being able to achieve their full potential and prevents equality of opportunity. Bullying is anti-social behaviour and affects everyone it is unacceptable and should not be tolerated which is why anti-bullying policies and procedures are in place, to protect all. The following steps should be taken when dealing with incidents: If bullying is suspected or reported, the incident will be dealt†¦show more content†¦While individual experiences will influence the way your child is affected, in general, there are some universal steps all parents should take to support their child through bullying. Have an open conversation If you suspect that your child is being bullied, or they have already told you of an incident, the first thing to do is have an open conversation. Try and follow these guidelines: Speak in private: Find a quiet time when you won t be disturbed to discuss the different types of bullying. Ask if they have ever experienced or witnessed any of the examples and encourage them to give specific details. Be patient, calm and understanding: Do not make assumptions or interrupt. Put your feelings aside and really listen to what your child is telling you. Reassure them: Make it clear that the bullying is not their fault and praise them for being brave enough to confide in you. Assure them that now you know what is happening, the issues can be resolved. Give support and trust: Let your child know that you will need to talk to the school, but promise not to take action without discussing it with them first. Openly explore the options together, and come to an agreed course of action. Teach them how to cope Bullies often test potential targets to gauge how they respond, and while the target is never to blame, those who appear the most vulnerable usually continue to be bullied. It is for this reason thatShow MoreRelatedShould Bullying Be Long Term?847 Words   |  4 Pagesthat around 46% of young people, have witnessed or been the victim of bullying during their childhood (Choices, 2016). Although there is no official legal definition of bullying, it is suggested that it is a repeated and negative behaviour which is deliberately used to hurt someone either physically or emotionally (Lives, 2013). There are many form of bullying including the most common; physical, verbal, relational and cyber bullying. It is often motivated against specific groups, including religionRead MoreThe Legislation Regarding Safeguarding And Chid Protection1431 Words   |  6 Pagestypes of experiences like bullying, cyber-bullying, discrimination, etc. These types of experiences where perpetrator could als o be a child or a group of children can disturb the process of learning. It also has long term effects on the child being bullied and the child/ group of children who are bullying. ‘Department for education advice preventing and tackling bullying (2013) ‘, advices that all the educational settings must prevent and respond to bullying. The Education and Inspection Act 2006Read MoreThe Eternal Effects of Cyber Bullying1196 Words   |  5 Pageseternal scars and wounds that have yet to heal in their adult life. The age of this brute force displayed in hall ways, nursery schools and ball fields is nearly a scenario of the past as bullies formulate playgrounds through technological means in the form of social media sites such as Face Book, Twitter and a host of free blogging sites to mention a few avenues of the modern day bully school yard venue. Bullies once ruled the left of the sandbox just behind the swing set, yet their territory was limitedRead MoreCyberbullying : Overstated But Not Overrated Essay987 Words   |  4 PagesCyberbullying: Overstated but not Overrated Bullying is the buzzword of education in the early 21st century. It s new, it s hot, it s everywhere from CNN to church homilies. Cyberbullying is considered an especially sexy topic, and is blasted across just about every television channel, social networking site, message board, and education manual. It is so overstated that its mention has become like the white noise of a refrigerator humming in the background of our existence. With as much saturationRead MoreHealth Promotion Planning Project : Bullying Among Children And Adolescents1651 Words   |  7 PagesPLANNING PROJECT 1 Health Promotion Planning Project: Bullying among Children and Adolescents Jacqueline Valladares Western Kentucky University HEALTH PROMOTION PLANNING PROJECT 2 One of the many health problems affecting children or adolescents today is bullying. Children who experience bullying reported that they got bullied by their looks, body shape, and/or race (Bullying 2015). One out of every four students (22%) report being bullied duringRead MoreBest Administrative Practices Involving Liability975 Words   |  4 Pagesmental capacity, environment and circumstance of injury† (p.327). For instance, you would not leave a kindergarten class unattended with scissors. Despite teacher’s best efforts accidents may still occur, therefore, it is increasingly important to have clear and practical emergency procedures. It can be beneficial to create a school-wide emergency response team to insure that the student’s injuries are minimized in an event of bodily injury. Finally, teachers should be trained on the appropriate technologiesRead MoreIntroduction. Bullies Exist In Every Work Place Within1560 Words   |  7 Pagesthis paper will be e xploring the bullying dilemma in the work place as well as the various types of bullying one may witness within the work environment. To bring about a more focused image, the topic will be more specific on the occurrence of bullying in the health care industry and the different factors and individuals involved in this intimidating technique. The healthcare industry involves a great amount of different individuals with a great range of education, experience, and cultural backgroundsRead MoreThe School Of Anti Bullying1572 Words   |  7 Pagesto the child/children who engage in bullying behaviour have: †¢ sanctions and learning programmes which hold them to account for their behaviour and help them to face up to the harm they have caused †¢ they learn to behave in ways that do not cause harm in future because they have developed their emotional skills and knowledge. †¢ they learn how they can take steps to repair the harm they have caused. †¢ the whole-school community is clear about the anti-bullying stance the school takes. †¢ pupils, asRead MoreTraditional Bullying and Cyberbullying1260 Words   |  6 PagesGenerations after generations teens have used the actions of bullying to hurt others they felt as a threat or to be in the â€Å"in crowd† of popularity. Traditional bullying was physical and thus confined to face-to-face contexts. However, with the development of widespread social interaction via social media websites, email, and text-messaging, teens have additional avenues of expression and, as a result, other means of bullying. Over time the bullying taking place using digital means has come to be knownRead MoreCriminalization of Cyberbullying1026 Words   |  5 Pagescyber bullying are becoming a growing problem, the criminalization of cyber bullying is needed to prevent its harmful repercussions to the United States and serve as a deterrent. Cyber bullying has become the 21st century version of bullying; it has extended beyond the classroom and onto a virtual world that seems to have no real-life effects. The world is now able to bully someone in the comfort of his or her own home, at any given point, with the use of technology. However, Cyber bullying still

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Self-Assessment of Engineering Student-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Students complete a critical self assessment of their graduate capabilities with respect to the FEIT Graduate Attributes and AQF level 9 descriptors in knowledge, skills, and application. Answer: Self Reflective Assissment Performing self assessment is the unique way to measure the performance of an individual from the perspective of employee. It is important to carry out the self assessment because it helps to evaluate the capability of a person and how they feel. Moreover, there also remains the opportunity to voice in the complete development process in order to gain better outcome in the future. I would like to begin my self assessment with the personal and professional experiences that I have gained till now. Although I have very little professional experience, I have lots of personal experiences in the field of engineering (Boud, 2013). I know that engineering is a tough subject and being an engineering student, I have to face many challenges in my professional and personal part. I have great interest the GPS and navigation system and I would like to pursue my career in this particular field only. I believe that this particular tool can help in the development of the organisations and that the fu tures of all the businesses are depended on this particular factor. I would like to get involved in the management of this engineering field and would pursue my career in this field only. If the perspective of the team participation is taken into consideration, I would like to say that we often have to frame groups for doing projects or group assessment. In this respect, I would like to say that the major intension behind the group project is to develop a leadership approach and also to carry do work collectively (Salend, 2015). There is no doubt that engineering works require the support of a group and no work can be actually done alone. Therefore, I have gained the practice of working in a group during my education career. I can confidently work as a member of the group in future. However, in this respect, I would like to mention that I lack the proper leadership approach. In every group project, somehow I fail to give the best as per my capability. There could be many reasons behind this deficit. For instance, I believe that due to lack of proper communication ability I failed to give the best performance. So, here I identify the drawbacks in me. I really have to w ork on my communication skills in order to communicate well with others and to improve my qualification of being a leader. In order to do so, I have future plans to join some courses where I would be able to improve my communication ability. I know there are many institutes where personality development and communication improvement are taught. I would do that particular course in order to improve those areas in me where I am lagging behind (Douglas et al., 2014). I hope that these small things will be easily rectified in me and I would be able to be professionally best in the career that I would opt after the completion of engineering. Considering my personal experience, I would like to say that I am not very good in the computer programming languages and often I have found to lose my proficiency when it comes to presenting my programming skills. Once it happened that I had to give a presentation in the class on the computer programming language but I did not have that confidence in me. That day I felt that unless I devote more time in my studies, I would not be able to develop that confidence in me and it is very important to be confident enough in work in order to face the practical life. Keeping all these instances into consideration, I have decided that I would concentrate more in studies and improve my programming skills. There is no doubt that without proper programming skills, an engineer can never be successful in life (Brown, 2015). I would like to say that after graduation, my engineering skills have improved in the FEIT graduation attribute to a large extent. I have developed better understanding in the engineering subjects as well as in my personal life. The life in FEIT after graduation has helped me to pursue my major in the engineering subject and help me to improve my knowledge. In the FEIT graduation attribute, I have come across many complex situations that have actually helped me to gain confidence in myself. I can now face challenges in my life because I have gained that confidence in myself. In this respect, I would like to highlight an important point that I have learned during my education career that there are many ways of solving a problem. It might happen that we get stuck into a particular point and we could not find any way out that that time (Lin et al., 2015). However, it should always be considered that there are many ways of solving a problem. Engineering after the graduation, at the FEIT has taught me to never lose confidence and be effective enough to decide upon the right point of action that is to be taken in orde r to overcome the problem. In my engineering career, I have gained much knowledge that would eventually help me to succeed in my life. I will have to continue my career in the field of engineering only, but I do not assume that to be successful in life, only professional qualification is required. There are many other measuring criteria that need to be fulfilled as well in order to become successful in life. I have to develop my leadership skills and I have to devote more time in order to improve my engineering skills on programming language. If these are rectified, I would be successful in my career. This can be done only if I concentrate on the major goals of life and fulfil all the necessary criterions required to be successful in life. I want to be a successful engineer in my life and the programs at the FEIT has definitely helped me to gain that opportunity to fulfil my dream. I hope I will be very successful in my career References: Boud, D. (2013).Enhancing learning through self-assessment. Routledge. Brown, G. (2015, October). Self and peer assessment. InAssessment Grading Seminar Series. Douglas, K. A., Wertz, R. E. H., Fosmire, M., Purzer, ?., Van Epps, A. S. (2014, June). First year and Junior Engineering Students Self-Assessment of Information Literacy Skills. In121st ASEE Annual Conference Exposition. Lin, Y., Yang, J., Lv, Z., Wei, W., Song, H. (2015). A self-assessment stereo capture model applicable to the internet of things.Sensors,15(8), 20925-20944. Salend, S. J. (2015).Creating inclusive classrooms: Effective, differentiated and reflective practices. Pearson. Torres-Guijarro, S., Bengoechea, M. (2017). Gender differential in self-assessment: a fact neglected in higher education peer and self-assessment techniques.Higher Education Research Development,36(5), 1072-1084.